Hi there.
Joseph Fink here.
Before we get started, I wanted to tell you all something.
So I have a baby due soon, which is very exciting, but it also means that I will have.
It turns out they tell me I will have a lot less time in my life as a result of having a child.
Not sure that that's true, but, you know, we'll find out together.
As a result of that, I've decided to take a step back from the show.
This will be my last episode as co host.
The show will be continuing on strong.
I'm really excited, in fact, about the direction.
I just won't be the one chatting with Jeffrey from here on out.
Jeffrey, how will the show be looking from here on?
Well, it'll be sad that you will not be here because we've been having these conversations for years and years, long before we even started writing together, of conversations about writing and about art.
The good news for me anyway, is that I still live close to you and we'll still get to have these conversations.
They just won't be organized and recorded for podcasting.
But I am excited that what we'll do moving forward is the show will have a similar structure.
We'll pick a topic, we'll talk about that topic, and we will have assignments at the end.
It just instead of me talking with Joseph, I'm going to be bringing in different creators, people who are prose writers, people who maybe work in other mediums that I do not work in.
I'm kind of excited to learn from people who maybe have skills and talents beyond what me and you have, Joseph.