Hey, y'all, it's Jeffrey Kraanor here.
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And now here's an excerpt from episode 51, how to Dislike, available exclusively at patreon.com startwiththis.
You know, liking and disliking is such a subjective thing that I wanted to talk briefly about what aspects of work can be objectively judged are undeniable.
Oh, man, this is funny.
My wife Jillian, kind of gets onto me sometimes because I think I picked this phrase up from you, is that I will say sometimes about a movie and like, that is objectively bad.
She's like, there's nothing objectively bad.
That's such a subjective phrase.
But I love the phrase that something is objectively good or bad because for me, it's a gut reaction.
But I think when I've tried to, like, dissect why I see it that way is there's just something about technique that you can see in a work.
There's something about the way in which somebody structures a line.
You see it all the time in poetry.
I mean, poetry is fully invested in technique.
It is, absolutely.
Comes from years and years and years of training.
You know, your taste will tell you what is a good metaphor.
It will tell you what is a good turn of phrase.
It will tell you what's a beautiful topic.
But it is those.