Welcome to Start with this, a podcast featuring Night Vale creators Jeffrey Cranor and me, Joseph Fink.
This is the show where we get you making stuff two simple assignments at a time.
Start with this.
Five easy rules to become a great writer.
Art is hard.
Starting is hard.
If you want to start somewhere, you can start with this.
You can start with this.
Every writer must Simply follow these five easy rules and you are guaranteed success.
Rule 1, Write only between 2 and 2.
15pm Rule 2, Own more than 2, but less than 6 cats.
Rule 3, Use more words than that.
A lot more words.
A lot more words.
Rule 4, adjectives should be avoided, as well as nouns and punctuation.
And Rule 5, all books should be titled Intrigue in the Bayou.
It's just that easy, folks.
Okay, obviously what I'm saying here is that there are a lot of rules about writing from a lot of different writers out there.
And what I'm here to tell you is the idea of rules for writing is mostly bunk and not very helpful.
But let's talk about rules, why they don't make sense, and how they might still be helpful.