Welcome to Start with this, a podcast featuring Night Vale creators Joseph Fink and me, Jeffrey Cranor.
Each episode we discuss a topic and then give you two assignments.
Something to consume and something to create.
Start with this.
Art is hard.
Starting is hard.
If you want to start somewhere, you can start with this.
You can start with this.
The truth is boring.
I mean, in your real life, it's not.
You had a lovely bike ride.
Your fantasy football team did great.
Your cousin had a new baby.
And like all babies, it's very cute.
A dog saw you and wagged its tail.
These are all very exciting things for you.
But in order to make them a good story, they require some gussying up.
All storytelling is exaggeration.
That's not to say all stories are lies, only that language is not the same thing as experience.