Welcome to Start with this, a podcast featuring Night Vale creators Jeffrey Cranor and me, Joseph Fink.
This is the show where we get you making stuff one simple assignment at a time.
Start with this.
Perfection is for assholes.
Art is hard.
Starting is hard.
If you want to start somewhere, you can start with this.
You can start with this.
The title of this episode is a quote from the great New York performance artist Taylor Mack.
And I think it is a useful one to keep in mind when making art.
Now, I am not here to tell you that you shouldn't strive to make your art as perfect as it can be.
The title of this episode is not a perfect encapsulation of the ideal artistic process.
But then you know what we think about perfection, right?
The truth is that oftentimes done is better.
Better than perfect.
The truth is that perfect doesn't really exist in any objective way.
The truth is, what makes a work of art perfect is not the artist, but the impossible alchemy between artist work and any person who experiences that work.
I haven't explained myself perfectly, I know, but I'm Joseph Fink here with Jeffrey Craner.
Let's get started.
Hi, Jeffrey.