Somewhere between waking and sleeping on our journey towards the unfathomable deep, there comes a thin moment where we have one foot in the waking world and the other is in that other world where we relinquish conscious control.
Pausing here and straddled between two planets that drive one another like gears, the attentive traveler will notice a narrow door only wide enough to sidle through.
This is the border of sleep, where imagination and reality are braided together, a chasm in the crust of consciousness, venting the hot pumice of imagery into the irresistible magma of narrative.
Welcome to episode 55 of Stories from the Borders of Sleep, Curious tales from from created and voiced by your host, Seymour Jacqueline at you can find more information and leave feedback or join the email list to get the inside scoop on what I'm up to and the inspiration behind the stories.
Or find out how to support me to keep writing.
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I love hearing from listeners.
However, you might get in touch and I will always try to respond.
The soundtrack for this episode is by Juan Sanchez from the album Rebirth, available on and if you listen carefully, there are also a couple of numbers from Tommy Dorsey.
So if you are ready to journey with me, then I shall begin the Cadillac in the Pond By Seymour Jacklin Reuben woke with the dawn as he usually did.
It's a wonder he wasn't woken up by the incident that must have taken place a mere hundred yards from his room in the small hours of the warning.
But I'm getting ahead of myself there.
He woke to a morning much like hundreds that had preceded it.
Lukas, his grey tabby, was massaging the quilt right next to his face and purring loudly.
Once Lukas had decided he'd had enough sleep for the night.
There was no chance of a lion, not that he wanted one.
Most days were full of fresh promise, and he'd rested well.
He sat up and swung his feet to the floor, feeling the stiffening objection of his calves and thighs since he'd spent most of the previous day in the saddle.
He steadied himself against the narrow walls of his room before he took his first steps into the new day.
There were no windows in this room as it was set back in the villa burrowed into the hillside, but light came through the archway that led to the rest of the lower floor, which was a kind of platform that stood out from the slope, giving an open aspect to the road and the sea that lay beyond the blue walls of his villa seemed to be contiguous with the mist that lay below it.