Chippie and Angus


Stories from the Borders of Sleep



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It's a story about a quiet girl, and I don't want to give too much away ...

单集文稿 ...

  • Somewhere between waking and sleeping on our journey towards the unfathomable deep, there comes a thin moment where we have one foot in the waking world and the other is in that other world where we relinquish conscious control.

  • Pausing here and straddled between two planets that drive one another like gears, the attentive traveler will notice a narrow door only wide enough to sidle through.

  • This is the border of sleep, where imagination and reality are braided together, a chasm in the crust of consciousness, venting the hot pumice of imagery into the irresistible magma of narrative.

  • Welcome to episode 43 of Stories from the Borders of Sleep, a hopefully increasingly regular podcast of curious Tales from Borders featuring original stories by your host Seymour Jatkin.

  • You can visit for more information, to leave feedback or even buy me a coffee if you wish.

  • You can also find us on Facebook where you can join in the conversation and find out more about what's happening with the podcast.

  • The soundtrack for this week's episode is by Dmitry Krashnikov from his album Legend, and that's available from so if you are ready to journey with me, then I shall begin Chippy and Angus by Seymour Jacklin Chippy was shy, but Angus loved her.

  • He loved her untamable hair.

  • While most people thought she ought to take better care of her appearance, she was a serious girl, at least in the company of others.

  • If she were ever caught smiling or laughing, it was for some, breaking rays in her own thoughts, which she was always contemplating.

  • Her family knew her as an odd one, that is to say, her mother and her cousins.

  • Her employers knew her as a hard worker who never seemed to either like or dislike her work.

  • Angus didn't really know her very well, but he wanted to.

  • Their courtship was delicate.

  • As a maid in service at the big house, Chippy didn't have time or permission for romance.

  • Indeed, she had little interest in it in any case.

  • But Angus had a plan.

  • The waiter, Chippy, was sure if he could first win over the housekeeper, Mrs.

  • Dearness.

  • So he came by with a brace of rabbits for Mrs.