49 | Holiday Expectations: Getting on the Same Page with Your Spouse FEATURING Mathew Molina

49 | 49 假期期望:与您的配偶达成一致(马修·莫利纳主演)

Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms | SAHM, Routines, Biblical Motherhood, Balance, Schedules, Work-Life Balance, Productivity



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Hi, friend! Have you ever had a holiday season where you honestly feel like you are having MORE conflict and disagreements in your marriage during what is supposed to be the “happiest time of the year” than the rest of the year entirely? Or feeling so frustrated that the stress and constant hustle is not at all what you had hoped for this season to look like for your family, but it also just feels like it keeps repeating year after year? In today’s episode, I am having my husband join me for this conversation and we are talking all about how we’ve handled the holidays over the years. Addressing marriage conflicts, how to get on the same page with communicating holiday expectations, and even the practicals of HOW we slow down amidst a season that feels like constantly hustle, hustle, hustle. We’re also tackling the subject of gifts for kids, how to handle them, how to be intentional about them, and how to tackle them after the holidays are over. As we are approaching the busy holiday season, I thought this episode was a very timely one to answer a lot of the questions I’ve been getting on this topic recently and bring Mat into the conversation to share his perspective and what we’ve learned over the years! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy! Hugs! -KyAnn   Mentions: Daily Grace Co Advent book: https://thedailygraceco.com/collections/advent-2024/products/the-promise-of-christmas-childrens-book-2   JOIN THE SIMPLE RHYTHMS FOR BUSY MOMS COURSE: SIMPLIFY YOUR HOME SYSTEMS FOR MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY! >>> kyannmolina.com/course   Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/a958ab4a29 Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

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