20 | Why Don’t Your Kids Play On Their Own Like That IG Mom You Follow?! 3 Habit Shifts for Longer Independent Play Time Daily

20 | 为什么你的孩子不像你关注的那个 IG 妈妈那样自己玩?! 3 个习惯转变,每天有更长的独立游戏时间

Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms | SAHM, Routines, Biblical Motherhood, Balance, Schedules, Work-Life Balance, Productivity



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Hi, friend! In today’s episode, we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of independent play for kids. We all want more time to get things done around the house, maybe you’re in a season that you need to sneak in a few minutes of work when your toddlers are still awake, or maybe you just want to drink your coffee and read your Bible in peace for a few minutes. Independent play is something that is talked about a lot and I feel like pretty much ALL moms want their kids to have this skill, especially in today’s society of constant distraction and screens and overstimulation. I’m going to teach you 3 practical habit shifts that you can start applying today to help your kids have longer stretches of independent play time daily. This is going to be a juicy one, friends, let’s get into it! I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy! Hugs! KyAnn   Mentions: Episode 12 prioritizing intentional time with your kids daily: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/12-constantly-thinking-about-what-to-do-next-1-habit/id1739009977?i=1000656654868 Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: https://kyannmolina.com/course Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/a958ab4a29 Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity   Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

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