Smarty Pass Presents: Sanden vs a Velociraptor

Smarty Pass 呈现:桑登 vs 迅猛龙

Smash Boom Best: A funny, smart debate show for kids and family



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Can’t get enough Smash Boom Best? Here’s a bonus episode! Sign up for Smarty Pass and you’ll get a bonus episode like this every month. Usually, these episodes are just for Smarty Pass subscribers but today we’re sharing one with all of our listeners. To get more, sign up for Smarty Pass at  How many times have you asked yourself: which is better, Sanden or a Velociraptor? On the one hand, Velociraptors hunt in packs but on the other hand, Sanden Totten is funny. Sanden has great hair but Velociraptors have been featured in several movies. It’s impossible to decide. Well, grab your Smarty Pass because, with the help of a fun game, we’ll decide which is best: Sanden or a Velociraptor!

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