The dumbest thing I ever bought.
Yeah, the dumbest thing I ever bought is a Canon DSL camera 5D Mark 2.
Somewhere around 2007 I started getting into photography.
DSLR cameras were just getting popular and I wanted one, but I was too poor to afford it.
I was obsessing over the Canon Rebel cameras, wishing I could have one, constantly looking at ebay to see what was out there.
And every now and then I'd find one undervalued, listed way below what it should be at.
And so I bought the cheap one and I used it for a few days and then sold it for more than I bought it.
I did that three times and eventually had enough money to get the camera for myself.
Basically it was a free Canon Rebel and I used the crap out of it.
I probably took thousands of photos with it.
I shot models sometimes, but my favorite was architecture.
I especially love derelict or abandoned buildings.
And after a year of taking all these photos, Canon was launching a new camera, the 5D Mark 2.
Oh how I started wishing I could get that.
And for some reason I just couldn't resist and I pre ordered it.
The thing cost $2,500 and it was absolutely something I could not afford at the time.
But I thought it was my ticket to becoming a professional photographer.
So I spent every last penny I had on it and even went into debt to buy it.
Oh, it was amazing.
Full frame sensor, it took perfect photos.