How To Plan an Estate (Before It’s Too Late)


How To!



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André has known for years that they have to execute the estate when their parents pass. They feel wholly unprepared for the task, especially since their parents are reluctant to share any important information. On this episode of How To!: Carvell Wallace brings on M.P. Dunleavey, journalist, author of the Squished Substack, and contributor to Next Avenue where she covers aging, caregiving, and money. M.P. walks André through the important paperwork that needs to be in place and gives them guidance for working with stubborn family members.  Additional resources:  M.P.’s follow-up story on Next Avenue Area Agencies on Aging Benefits check up Estate planning checklist Creating a financial roadmap Easing family burdens Writing a will If you liked this episode check out: How To Care for an Aging Parent and How To Make Aging Easier for Everyone Do you have a problem that needs solving? Send us a note at or leave us a voicemail at 646-495-4001 and we might have you on the show. Subscribe for free on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen. How To’s executive producer is Derek John. Joel Meyer is our senior editor/producer. The show is produced by Rosemary Belson, with Kevin Bendis and Sara McCrea. Want more How To!? Subscribe to Slate Plus to unlock exclusive bonus episodes. Plus, you’ll access ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts by clicking “Try Free” at the top of the How To! show page. Or, visit to get access wherever you listen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

单集文稿 ...

  • Go, dear, surf and scare her long.

  • I am extremely frustrated with all of my family at this point, and I really didn't know how much I didn't know until I have been talking with you.

  • Welcome to how to the show, where listeners ask us their toughest questions and we bring on the perfect expert to give them guidance.

  • I'm Carvel Wallace.

  • You know, if there's one thing people hate to think about, it's death.

  • But maybe even worse than that is paperwork.

  • So what happens when you have to deal with the two of them together?

  • I'm sure most of you already know that you need to have a will just in case you're struck dead.

  • But as unpleasant as it is to consider, sudden death isn't the only way you might go.

  • It's much more likely that many of us will fade slowly, losing the ability to deal with things as we age or as our health falters.

  • So with that in mind, we kind of have to start thinking now about who's going to step in and and manage our affairs.

  • Who's going to make medical and financial decisions for us when we can no longer make them for ourselves.

  • And if you're the family member of someone who may be preparing to enter end of life, then you may find that these duties suddenly fall on you.

  • And that's where we find this week's listener.

  • So my name is Andre.

  • I use they them pronouns.

  • I am the current executor of my parents estate.

  • Fortunately, they are still alive.

  • They are in their 80s.

  • I got tapped for the role because I'm the eldest child and there was nothing more logical to it than that.