What's the secret to being a good leader?
Leadership is having a vision of how things should work and ensuring that the entire community around are working towards that vision.
It should be shared and it should be something that allows everybody to play a part.
This is Jamila Boothman.
She's an assistant headteacher at a school in London.
For Jamila, being a good leader is.
About working with the community.
So what's the most surprising thing she's.
Learned from being a leader?
But it's really hard that actually it's not just about telling other people what to do, but it's about walking the walk and it's about not doing anything.
That you wouldn't expect others to do.
And it's about doing the things that.
You'Re asking others to do.
Often people assume that leading is telling other people what to do.
But Jameela says that you have to.
Set a good example too.
This means behaving in the way that.
You are asking your employees or team to behave.
And Jamila also says leadership is about listening.
You've got to be willing to listen, you've got to be willing to be wrong, you've got to be willing to learn something and you've got to be.