6 分钟Mary's mother dies, and goes to live with her aunt and uncle who run the Jamaica Inn.
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My name is Mary.
Mary Yellenhouse.
I'm 23 years old.
I'm not usually very brave, but I feel brave today.
Here I am on this long journey to Cornwall on my own.
I've left the farm where I've lived all my life.
I wanted to stay there.
But last week I made a promise to my dear mother.
Mary, my child.
I won't be in this world much longer.
Don't say that, Mother.
It's true.
Maryland but before I go, I have only one wish.
Yes, Mother dear.
When I die, promise me you will go and live with my sister patience.
But why can't I stay here on the farm here in Helford?
You can't stay here alone.