Hi listeners.
We want to take a moment to recognize the importance of mental well being.
At times, the show features sensitive material.
Know that there are options and you don't have to deal with it alone.
Our continued support for mental health and treatment comes from Talkspace.
Visit talkspace.com to learn more.
The following episode deals with themes and depictions of self harm that may be triggering for some audiences.
Listener discretion is advised.
Q Code presents SOFT VOICE Starring Naomi Scott, Olivia Cook and Belle Powley Created by James Blore.
Lydia stared up at the shop assistant.
The shop assistant who had just spoken with the voice of Soft Voice.
Had she imagined it?
Lydia wondered?
Was it some strange coincidence?
Perhaps some uncanny effect of the drugs she had ingested the night before?
That the shop assistant might have sounded a little bit, just a little tiny bit like Soft Voice?
This self checkout machine's a bit dodgy.
Sometimes, said the shop assistant.
And now there was no mistaking it.
There was no doubt the shop assistant didn't just sound a little bit like Soft Voice.