

Soft Voice



35 分钟

第 1 季 第 10 集


单集简介 ...

Lydia attends her grandmother's memorial. And after the arrival of an unexpected guest, everything comes to a head. ~~~ Soft Voice stars Naomi Scott, Bel Powley and Olivia Cooke. Written and directed by James Bloor. Produced by QCODE  ~~~ Follow us for more information: IG | X | Tik-Tok  Visit  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

单集文稿 ...

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  • Pacquiao Black Friday deal hi listeners, we want to take a moment to recognize the importance of mental well being.

  • At times the show features sensitive material.

  • Know that there are options and you don't have to deal with it alone.

  • Our continued support for mental health and treatment comes from Talkspace.

  • Visit to learn more.

  • The following episode deals with themes and depictions of self harm that may be triggering for some audiences.

  • Listener discretion is advised.

  • Q Code presents Soft Voice Starring Naomi Scott, Olivia Cook and Belle Powley Created by James Blore.

  • It was an ordinary day and Sunny and Lydia hadn't slept.

  • Lydia hadn't slept because she'd been awake all night thinking about the poem from Jean, the poem written in blood.

  • Somehow Lydia knew that today was going to be a big day, perhaps the very biggest of them all, though she couldn't figure out precisely why or what or how.

  • As you know, ordinarily, when she couldn't figure out exactly why or what or how, Lydia asked me, but I was greeted with a terrifyingly unusual sound.

  • Silence.

  • Lydia did not say a single word to me, not one single word all morning.

  • Today was, of course, a day of Granny Night Night's memorial service.