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This week on Witness History, in partnership with the BBC 100 Women list, we're bringing you stories about inspiring and influential women from around the world.
Renowned feminist Gloria Steinem tells us how she launched the first magazine in America, which was owned, run and written by women.
The the former Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard remembers her famous misogyny speech.
And Nalini Malani from India explains why she was compelled to create art about nuclear war.
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Hello and welcome to youo DENSER Me, the Radio 4 comedy podcast that takes history seriously.
My name is Greg Jenner.
I'm a public historian, author and broadcaster.
And today we are cracking out our crayons and journeying back tens of thousands, thousands of years into the deep past to learn all about the Paleolithic and cave art.
And to help us paint an audio picture, we have two very special guests in Archaeology Corner.
She's a postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark, where she's researching the evolution of early symbolic behavior.
Usefully for us, she has a PhD from Durham University in Upper Paleolithic cave art.
It's Dr.