Episode 4: What They Saw

第 4 集:他们看到了什么

In The Dark



52 分钟

第 3 季 第 4 集


单集简介 ...

Two conflicting stories about what happened that day emerge—one from the Marines involved in the killings, and another from a very different perspective.    To get episodes early and ad-free, visit newyorker.com/dark.

单集文稿 ...

  • This episode is presented by W.

  • Hotels from Shanghai to New York.

  • I love hotels that feel like a living, breathing part of a city and makes me feel like I'm experiencing that place in an authentic, holistic way.

  • Previously on in the Dark.

  • In the morning of the 19th of November 2005, American soldiers had executed three families.

  • And they come back.

  • Yeah, there was about 24 bodies in the back of the vehicles.

  • And I'm like, holy man.

  • Maybe a lot of this is imagination.

  • None of this was near as bad as it seemed.

  • I'm talking about what actually happened to the civilians.

  • What he noticed was gunshots.

  • Most of them are gunshot in the head or in the chest.

  • Shoot.

  • Yes.

  • They died this way.

  • To me, they were enemy combatants.

  • Were they 100% enemy combatants?

  • I don't know.

  • They lost one of the most loved guys in the company.