Episode 9: Patient #8

第 9 集:8 号病人

In The Dark



50 分钟

第 3 季 第 9 集


单集简介 ...

For years, we’d thought what everyone thought: that there were twenty-four civilians killed by Marines in Haditha on November 19, 2005. But maybe everyone was wrong.  To find online-only features, visit newyorker.com/season3.

单集文稿 ...

  • This episode is presented by W.

  • Hotels from Shanghai to New York.

  • I love hotels that feel like a living, breathing part of a city and makes me feel like I'm experiencing that place in an authentic, holistic way.

  • For years, while reporting on the Haditha killings, I thought what everyone else thought, that there were 24 civilians killed by Marines on November 19, 2005.

  • 24 victims.

  • That's what's been reported in basically every news story about haditha.

  • Allegations that U.S.

  • marines murdered 24 Iraqis.

  • 24 civilians died, 24 unarmed men, women.

  • Deaths of 24.

  • Iraq.

  • 20 civilian deaths of 24.

  • Deaths of 24 Iraqi citizens in the city of Haditha.

  • It's a number the military gave in press conference.

  • 24 Iraqi men, women and children.

  • The number that members of Congress used when they talked about the killings.

  • Women and children, 24 people they killed.

  • Now, this is the kind of stuff.

  • That'S the kind of stress.

  • But as we got deeper and deeper into our reporting, we began to wonder if maybe that number was wrong.