Donald Trump, Pete Hegseth, and the Future of American War-Crimes Prosecutions


In The Dark



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单集简介 ...

Donald Trump’s selection of Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense caught the attention of the In the Dark team. Hegseth, formerly a weekend co-host of “Fox & Friends,” is a longtime supporter of accused American war criminals, and has called Eddie Gallagher, the Navy SEAL who was tried for murder and other crimes, a “war hero.” The reporters Madeleine Baran and Parker Yesko discuss what Hegseth’s appointment could mean for war-crimes prosecutions under the Trump Administration.

单集文稿 ...

  • This episode is presented by W Hotels from Shanghai to New York.

  • I love hotels that feel like a living, breathing part of a city and makes me feel like I'm experiencing that place in an authentic, holistic way.

  • Are you recording?

  • Yes, I am.

  • All right, let's do it.

  • Hey, in the dark, listeners.

  • It's Madeline Barron and Parker Yesko.

  • Hey, guys, we're back in your feed today because there's been some recent news that feels really relevant to a lot of the things that we reported on in season three.

  • It has to do with one of the appointments that incoming President Donald Trump has recently announced.

  • And this appointment got the attention of our entire team because it could make it even harder for war criminals in the United States to be held accountable.

  • If you've listened to season three, you know that our reporting found how hard it is already for people accused of war crimes to be punished in any kind of meaningful way.

  • And it is most likely about to get a lot harder.

  • We're talking specifically here about the man Trump has decided he wants to nominate for Secretary of Defense.

  • This is a man Parker and I are both very familiar with.

  • We're talking, of course, about Pete Hegseth.

  • The reason we're so familiar with Pete Hegseth is because Hegseth has been one of the most outspoken defenders of Americans accused of war crimes in the entire country.

  • Yeah.

  • And we've been talking a lot on our team about what his hypothetical confirmation could mean for convicted war criminals and American service members accused of war crimes in the future.

  • At a certain point, we thought we should stop talking about it just between us and talk about it with you guys, too.

  • Right.