Beyond All Repair Ch. 6: Hope

无法修复第 1 章 6:希望

Beyond All Repair



34 分钟

第 2 季 第 6 集


单集简介 ...

The jury has reached a verdict: Sophia is found guilty of first-degree murder. At sentencing, Sophia hears victim impact statements, including one delivered by the woman raising her son. She is sentenced to 43 years in prison, and just as she’s settling into that fate, she gets a call from her lawyer saying that she’s won the right to a new trial. If you have questions about the case, the people at the center of this story, or anything else about this series, we want to hear them. Email with a voice memo or written message. *** Consider becoming a "BEYOND" member today: This show is made at WBUR, a public radio station, which means we cannot make shows like this without public support. Join our "BEYOND" membership program and receive early access to some of the final episodes in the series, extra episodes, and a private feed of the show for ad-free listening:

单集文稿 ...

  • WBUR Podcasts Boston Heads up.

  • This show has descriptions of violence and strong language.

  • Last time on Beyond All Repair.

  • Basically, he says, I believe Sophia is stealing from me.

  • I went on a rampage.

  • I felt wronged.

  • I felt cheated, and it felt slimy.

  • I don't think you should marry her.

  • And of course, I went ahead and in turn did the exact same thing.

  • I was wrong.

  • I cheated him, and I became slimy.

  • You know, she was looking for money.

  • That was her big motivation right there.

  • The tornado just kept getting bigger and bigger.

  • Yeah, this is the walls closing in, man.

  • My primary concern was making sure this money was paid back and that this baby that I'm pregnant with would be.

  • Good afternoon.

  • Good afternoon.

  • I have been handled the verdict forms by the jury and the matter of State v.

  • Sophia Johnson.