Beyond All Repair Ch. 8: Anthony Snow

无法修复第 1 章 8:安东尼·斯诺

Beyond All Repair



36 分钟

第 2 季 第 8 集


单集简介 ...

After disappearing before he was supposed to testify in Sophia's second trial, Sean reappears in Guyana under the name Anthony Snow. He has since launched various ventures, including a short-lived campaign for president of Guyana in 2011, a land development business that’s been the source of allegations of fraud, and a robust social media presence. Sophia and Sean hadn’t seen each other or spoken in 17 years when he video-called her in early 2023 upon hearing that she’s been talking to a reporter. Months after this call, Amory talks to Sean herself. He offers up a new detail about the day of Marlyne Johnson’s murder. If you have questions about the case, the people at the center of this story, or anything else about this series, we want to hear them. Email with a voice message or written message. *** Consider becoming a "BEYOND" member today: This show is made at WBUR, a public radio station, which means we cannot make shows like this without public support. Join our "BEYOND" membership program and receive early access to some of the final episodes in the series, extra episodes, and a private feed of the show for ad-free listening:

单集文稿 ...

  • WBUR Podcast Boston.

  • Heads up.

  • This show contains descriptions of violence and strong language.

  • Previously on Beyond All Repair.

  • What the hell are we going to do now?

  • You know she just got away with murder.

  • This is a story that was concocted by Kariah to save himself from the charge of murder in the first degree.

  • Shawn is dad's kid, like, 100%.

  • They made him out to be this weak, sweet boy scout, and I was Satan's sister.

  • He's somebody that's manipulative, a pathological liar, somebody that it's abusive, somebody that doesn't take no for an answer.

  • I've always looked up to my sister, and I never.

  • I've never seen something like this out of her in my life.

  • My sister was.

  • She used to go to church.

  • It's July of 2005, and Sean Pariah is giving an interview to KPTV, a Fox affiliate.

  • Shawn had been deported to Guyana two years earlier after testifying against Sophia in her first trial.

  • He was born in Guyana.

  • He'd never gotten US Citizenship, and even with the deal he got, he was still technically a convicted felon in the States.

  • But the Clark County Sheriff's Office has now brought him back to the US to testify against Sofia again in a new trial with a new judge and jury.

  • I've never not wanted to talk about it.