WBUR podcasts, Boston.
Did you kill Marlene Johnson?
I think you're one of the first people to have actually asked.
How could that be when you were put on trial for murder?
Because I wasn't asked.
I was told, you know, I know this happened.
We know you killed Marlene.
Just tell me what happened.
Tell us how.
Sophia Johnson was 23 and newly married when she was accused of brutally murdering her mother in law.
Her head was beaten in with fireplace tongs.
It was shock, shock, and I'm going to sleep in jail tonight.
Sophia swears she didn't do it, but someone says they witnessed it.
The person kind of took it was like stocking off of their face.
It turned out to be my sister.
Two siblings at odds at the same time.
My brother did this to me.
Just the blatant lies.
This just feels like such a he said, she said.
And that's all we have.