Meet Me at Riis


99% Invisible



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单集简介 ...

As the last warmth of summer fades, Riis Beach—a hidden queer oasis behind a decaying hospital—faces a new reality.

单集文稿 ...

  • This is 99% invisible.

  • I'm Swan real.

  • Every year around this time in New York City, when the weather starts getting colder and the world starts to slow down a bit, I think about the summer that slipped away and I always have the same thought.

  • God, I wish I had gone to the beach more.

  • And not just any beach, but this one beach in particular.

  • The People's beach at Jacob Riis park, also known simply as Reese.

  • My first time at Reeves was July 4, 2017.

  • This is artist, producer and dear friend Jasmine J.T.

  • green.

  • I was seven months into living in Brooklyn after a move from Chicago.

  • The ocean was never part of my landlocked life in the Midwest.

  • But after a crew of new friends invited me to a group chat titled beach with two Sun Emojis, I knew that my Lake Michigan kissed toes would soon touch the Atlantic.

  • When I first got to Reeves, it first appeared to be a larger version of my Midwestern beach.

  • Past a cute bazaar of food, sunburnt shoulders, and that summer's generic Drake song playing from many a speaker.

  • But as I wondered where the six of us would land for our afternoon of escapism, everyone except myself seemed to already know where to head.

  • We were walking to the eastern edge of the beach, 20 minutes from the parking lot, past a playground and food carts and public bathrooms.

  • Eventually, we landed on a patch of sand that was partially shaded by an abandoned building separate from the beach by a metal fence.

  • For decades, this large graffiti covered structure loomed behind the sliver of Reeves Beach.

  • It formed a kind of U shape facing the shore.

  • This abandoned building was called the Neponset Beach Hospital.