The Power Broker #10: Clara Jeffery


99% Invisible



2 小时 51 分钟

单集简介 ...

Featuring Clara Jeffery, the editor-in-chief of Mother Jones and the Center for Investigative Reporting, and covering the last section of Part 6 and the first section of Part 7, chapters 39-41.

单集文稿 ...

  • This is the 99% invisible breakdown of the Power Broker.

  • I'm Roman Mars.

  • And I'm Elliot Kalin.

  • So today we are finishing part six, the lust for power, and finally beginning part seven, the loss of power.

  • That's chapters 39 through 41, pages 895 through 983.

  • Later on this episode.

  • Our special guest is Clara Jeffrey.

  • Clara is the editor in chief of Mother Jones and the center for Investigative Reporting, which produces the fantastic radio show and podcast Reveal.

  • Should definitely subscribe to Reveal.

  • It's fantastic.

  • She had a long and storied career editing works of investigative journalism that speaks truth to power and afflicts the comfortable, all the good stuff.

  • So she brings that perspective to her understanding of the Power Broker.

  • What is especially fun to me is that I've known Clara for a long time.

  • She hadn't read the Power Broker before, and this podcast inspired her to pick it up and read it along with us.

  • So she is truly one of us.

  • And a special thanks to everyone who came out to our live event with Robert Caro in New York and the New York Historical Society.

  • What an amazing thing.

  • What a dream come true.

  • I felt so grateful and excited to be on that stage with him.

  • And what made it even more exciting was that you were there, too.