Trompe L'oeil


99% Invisible



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Three stories about designs meant to fool you.

单集文稿 ...

  • This is 99% invisible.

  • I'm Roman Mars.

  • Today we have three stories about designs meant to fool you.

  • Camouflage meant to fool U boats.

  • Highways designed to fool your brain into going way faster than it should want to.

  • And impeccably made fake signs meant to guide you to the right freeway.

  • Three classic favorite 99 PIs, completely updated, remixed and rescored.

  • Enjoy.

  • I think if you ask somebody on the street what is camouflage, I believe the most common answer would be to say, well, it's a figure and it's being hidden by being blended with its background.

  • Scientists today call that background matching.

  • I call that high similarity camouflage.

  • That's Roy Behrens.

  • I'm Roy Behrens and I teach in the department of Art at the University of Northern Iowa.

  • I teach graphic design and the history of design.

  • Behrens is also one of the foremost camouflage experts.

  • Well, I wouldn't go that far.

  • High similarity or blending is just one type of camouflage.

  • It's kind of the boring one.

  • But another type of camouflage that you can find both in nature and in military use is disruptive camouflage.

  • I call it figure disruption, figure disguise because it breaks up the figure.