Trailer: Fukushima





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单集简介 ...

A drama about losing control in Japan’s nuclear emergency. The heroes who fight to contain the disaster and those whose mistakes lead Japan to catastrophe. Years later, some seek atonement. This seven-part drama from the BBC World Service is released weekly from 15 May 2023.

单集文稿 ...

  • This BBC podcast is supported by ads outside the uk.

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  • Oaken on the resort Vezeking noda repto dahram kunje eiche kingschi nied lekkerisbefore bild met EP der Hauscharten in vauder GE vahr der hausart stella and that is Welsh.

  • Keiku Unserverse.

  • Fall of the Shah is a historical drama from the BBC World Service and do stay subscribed here so you can hear our brand new one too.

  • A massive earthquake measuring 9.1 on the Richter scale strikes the east coast of JAP.

  • It is 11th March 2011.

  • It cripples roads, severs power lines and claims the lives of over 18,000 people.

  • But this is only the beginning.

  • Mega Tsunami Warning.

  • Repeat.

  • Megatsunami Warning.

  • Fukushima Daiichi is a nuclear power plant operating on Japan's east coast and already reeling from the quake.

  • When the tsunami waves crash over the plant's barriers, slamming into the facility, it's all underwater.

  • First the earthquake, then the tsunami and.

  • Then this is Fukushima Daiichi.

  • We are in a nuclear emergency.

  • This is Fukushima, an original seven part drama podcast from the BBC World Service.

  • I'm Amy Okamura Jones.