20/20 Vision | "The 20's" (S2E6) with special guest Zoe Hay

20/20 愿景 | “The 20's” (S2E6) 与特邀嘉宾 Zoe Hay

That Was Us



1 小时 12 分钟

单集简介 ...

Join us as we dive into "The 20's," an episode that explores the pivotal moments and defining experiences of the Pearson family in their twenties. We'll delve into Kevin's core wound, the personal romantic struggles Kate is going through, and the challenges and joys of parenthood for Beth and Randall— which leads Sterling, Mandy, and Chris to ask themselves and listeners: “What kind of answers did your children bring when they came into the world?” Plus, we're joined by the talented Zoe Hay, makeup artist extraordinaire from This Is Us! Zoe shares behind-the-scenes insights and reveals the secrets behind those iconic Pearson looks. And for a bit of fun, we'll take a peek at some amazing This Is Us-inspired Halloween costumes from fans over the years. That Was Us is produced by Rabbit Grin Productions. Follow That Was Us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Threads, and X!

单集文稿 ...

  • On today's episode of that Was Us, we'll be discussing season two, episode six, the 20s.

  • Jack and Rebecca find themselves struggling after taking 10 year olds trick or treating.

  • Meanwhile, Randall, Kevin and Kate experience a life changing Halloween.

  • Hello, gang.

  • Hello, hello.

  • How are we doing today?

  • Happy Halloween.

  • Welcome back to the that Was Us podcast.

  • Don't forget to rate.

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  • Tell all your friends, support our sponsors so we can keep doing this podcast.

  • Keep it moving forward.

  • We're talking about the 20s.

  • And it took me a second to realize, like, at first I was like, why is this episode called the 20s, not the 1920s?

  • We're going back to the roaring, but it's sort of talking about the big three when they are in their 20s.

  • Formative years.

  • But before we get to the 20s, we're gonna go back to the past.

  • And it's Hallows Eve.

  • Yes.

  • Kids are all getting ready to go trick or treating.