The Life Scientific - Peter Goadsby

生命科学 - 彼得·戈兹比




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Throbbing head, nausea, dizziness, disturbed vision – just some of the disabling symptoms that can strike during a migraine attack. This neurological condition is far more common than you might think, affecting more people than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined. While medications, to help relieve the symptoms of migraine, have been around for some time, they haven’t worked for everyone. And what happens in the brain during a migraine attack was, until recently, poorly understood. Peter Goadsby is Professor of Neurology at King's College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience and is a true pioneer in the field of migraine. Over the course of his career, he has unravelled what happens in the brain during a migraine attack and his insights are already benefiting patients - in the form of new medications that can not only treat a migraine, but also prevent it from occurring. Peter shares this year’s Brain Prize, the world's largest prize for brain research, with three other internationally renowned scientists in the field.

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  • This BBC podcast is supported by ads outside the UK.

  • This week on Witness History on 17 December 2014, United States President Barack Obama and the leader of Cuba, Raul Castro announced the normalization of their country's relations, ending 54 years of hostility.

  • It was a shock to most except a few trusted aides who had worked for 18 months to make it happen.

  • Raul Castro's son Alejandro was the Cuban representative while Ben Rhodes, Obama's speechwriter, was sent by the US.

  • He says the US government made a liar out of him after President Trump reversed much of the progress to get the behind the scenes story of the Cuban Thor.

  • Search and subscribe to Witness History wherever you get your BBC podcasts.

  • This is Discovery from the BBC World Service.

  • I'm Jamal Khalili and in my series the Life Scientific, I get to talk to some of the extraordinary men and women who are trying to understand our world and make it a better place.

  • And my guest today has really helped to achieve that.

  • For those that suffer from migraine, I remember them myself as a young teenager curled up in bed with my head buried in a pillow.

  • This neurological condition is far more common than you might think.

  • While medications to help relieve the symptoms of migraine have been around for some time, they haven't worked for everyone and the condition was poorly understood.

  • Fast forward to today and to my guest, Peter Goadsby, a true pioneer in the field.

  • He is professor of Neurology at King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, and internationally renowned in the field of headache and migraine.

  • Over the course of his career, he's not only unraveled what happens in the brain during a migraine attack, his work is now benefiting patients in the form of new treatments, some of which can even prevent its onset.

  • In recognition of his outstanding work, Peter shares this year's Brain Prize, the world's largest prize for brain research, with three other scientists in the field.

  • Professor Peter Goesbe, welcome to the Life Scientific.

  • Thank you.

  • First of all Peter, can we clear something up?

  • Is it migraine or migraine or does it not matter?