1 小时 3 分钟Oh, hey, it's still the fountain at the mall that's never on A.L.I.E.
You are here for part two of Mnemonology Memory.
Please tell me that you started with part one.
Even if you don't remember it, start with part one because this is the thrilling conclusion with professor, researcher and the director of UC Irvine's center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
He's amazing.
We're going to get into it.
But first, this is a wall to wall episode of questions from patrons.
And if you'd like to submit some time, you too can join for as low as a buck a month.
And upper tiers can submit audio questions.
Thank you also to everyone getting ologies merch from ologiesmerch.com and thanks to everyone leaving us reviews, which boosts the show so much.
And each week I remember to read them all and I pick a just written one such as this one from Sula Singh who wrote this podcast.
Saved my life.
It's like spending an hour at the most amazing library ever where you find exactly the right book that you didn't know that you needed.
Sula Singh and everyone who has ever left a review.
I have read it and thank you.
Welcome to the library.
Okay, on to part two where we answer your questions about how to remember names and faces, what causes Alzheimer's, photographic memory, short term versus long term memory, how to prevent dementia, cannabis and memory, goldfish brains, and why smelling sunscreen makes you want to cry sometimes.
With neurobiologist, professor, researcher and memory expert, mnemonologist Dr.
Michael Yassa.