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You're listening to Short Wave from NPR.
Hey, Shortwavers.
Emily Kwong here with shortwave producer Hannah Chin.
And I see you've brought a friend.
I have.
This is the sound of a robot rolling down a row of grapes and diagnosing the problems in the grape prep drives by itself.
And while it kind of traverses through the vineyard, it takes the images of the grapevine canopy and start to use the input image to identify the disease infection.
So this is Yujiang.
He's an assistant professor of systems engineering and data analytics for specialty crops at Cornell Agritech.
Very long title, super long title.
But what it means is that he's the nationwide expert on grape robotics.
And he and his colleagues at Cornell Agritech, which is in upstate New York, where I went to interview him, built this grape scanning robot.
I'm going to send you a picture of that robot now, Emily, and we can make it the COVID image for this episode so our listeners can look at it, too.
Oh, look at her go.