11.3- The Martian Way





30 分钟

第 12 季 第 6 集


单集简介 ...

It's springtime for the Martian people Patreon: patreon.com/revolutions Merch Store: cottonbureau.com/mikeduncan

单集文稿 ...

  • This week's episode is brought to you by me specifically, I'm here to say that the Revolutions Patreon and Merch Store are now up and running.

  • The Patreon is patreon.com revolutions what you will find when you go there right now is the entire back catalog of Revolutions offered ad free.

  • What you will see in the future is all new episodes of Revolutions also available ad free, plus monthly bonus content I'll be producing along the way, plus access to a Revolutions Chat community where we can all get together and chat about revolutions, plus other surprises I'll be cooking up as we go.

  • So you all know how Patreon works.

  • Go to patreon.com revolutions and become a patron today.

  • But wait, there's more because now I've also got a merch shop up and running for merchandise.

  • I've been working with the good people at Cotton Bureau who I've been in contact with since the very first fundraiser I did.

  • The Merch store address is cottonburrow.com mikeduncan We've got both Revolutions and History of Rome branded stuff as well as all the old T shirt designs that many of you missed out on when they were available the first time around.

  • You can get them all now@cottonburo.com MikeDuncan links to both the Patreon and the Merch Store are in the show notes to this episode, so you can just click on those and you'll go right to them.

  • Thank you so much for your support.

  • You really are the greatest group of fans in the world and I am so thankful that you've enjoyed and supported my work all these years.

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • And now let us return to our regularly scheduled programming.

  • Hello and welcome to Revolutions episode 11.3 the Martian Way.

  • We left off last time at the turn of the 23rd century with Omnicore entering a period of geriatric rule.

  • Each day CEO Vernon Byrd sunk a little deeper into an aging body propped up by life extending pharmaceuticals, which kept him alive technically, but increasingly disengaged from the world around him.

  • Now only a limited number of doses of these life extending pharmaceuticals could ever be produced, so Byrd only shared the secret of life extension with other members of the board of directors.

  • They happily took the drugs and followed Byrd into a reclusive world of technical aliveness, totally detached from the company they were meant to be leading.

  • Because the shareholders had generously elected them all to life terms in 2193, they were insulated from the problems that mounted as a result of their collective indifference but oh boy, were problems mounting.

  • Every aspect of Omnicorp's operations, personnel, finances, accounting, security, manufacturing, shipping, sales and marketing.