Best of “How To”: The Infrastructure of Community


How to Keep Time



41 分钟

第 7 季 第 3 集


单集简介 ...

This new season of How To is a collection of our favorite episodes from past seasons—a best-of series focused on slowing down, making space, and finding meaning in our hectic lives. This episode, from our fourth season, called How to Talk to People, features host Julie Beck in conversation with Eric Klinenberg and Kellie Carter Jackson to explore how both physical structures and cultural habits can better facilitate our connections with one another. Write to us at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

单集文稿 ...

  • Hey, it's Megan Garber, one of the co hosts from how to Know what's Real.

  • We're excited to share with you a special series drawn from past seasons of the how to series.

  • For the next few weeks, we'll be revisiting episodes around the theme of winding down.

  • This episode is from season four, how to Talk to People, and is called the Infrastructure of Community.

  • Building a network of friends and support can feel elusive.

  • But in this episode, host Julie BAE and producer Becca Rashid investigate how to slow down and build meaningful connections.

  • I think what I've observed in public spaces, especially in my neighborhood, is really just a hustle and a bustle and people are going somewhere specific to do something specific with specific people.

  • They're sort of on a mission, right?

  • Efficiency is the enemy of social life.

  • What kind of place would allow us to enjoy our lives and enjoy each other more than we do today?

  • You know, people say, like, misery loves company.

  • I just.

  • I don't think that is true.

  • I think that misery in a lot of ways requires company.

  • It requires kinship, it requires community so that you are not isolated in your pain.

  • You know, what kinds of things would we need to reorient our society around?

  • I'm Julie Beck, a senior editor at the Atlantic.

  • And I'm Becca Rashid, producer of the how to series.

  • This is how to talk to people.

  • Though I normally am not making a friend.