Hello and welcome to Forever 35, a podcast about the things we do to take care of ourselves.
I'm Dory Shafrier.
And I'm Elise Hu.
And we are two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.
And this is the last interview episode of 2024 for us, the last fresh one.
We will have something special in store for you for the next two weeks.
But this is the last sort of new interview that we have for forever 35 in 2024.
I can't believe the time has gone by so fast.
I know Kate stepped away at the end of May.
I jumped in in the summer for our trial run and then came on formally in the fall and here we are and the year is just gone.
The year's just gone.
I know it's a little scary.
Time is a flat circle, man.
Time is a flat circle.
How's everything going?
I am going to be traveling for the holidays.
So I have, I've been doing a lot of like furious Christmas shopping for my relatives.