Episode 357 Paige's Maternal Assisted Cesarean in South Korea


The VBAC Link



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One of our team members, Paige, joins us today to share our first maternal assisted Cesarean story on the podcast! Our favorite Julie joins too sharing her perspective as Paige’s birth photographer.  Paige tried three times to have the vaginal birth of her dreams. Each time ended in emergency Cesareans due to nonreassuring fetal heart tones. Each time, she missed the golden hour that she so desperately craved. Each time, she learned more and more about birth. With her fourth baby, she exchanged her VBAC dream for a new one. After hearing about maternal assisted Cesareans, she decided to do all she could to pursue one fully knowing it may not happen.  But when it did, it was everything she hoped it would be and more.  Paige's Full Birth Video Houm Clinic Dayana Harrison Birth Services Julie Francom Birth Photography YouTube Video: Maternal Assisted Caesarean Section - The Birth of Betty Mae The VBAC Link Podcast Episode 220: Dr. Natalie Elphinstone & MACs The Birth Hour Episode 875: Nicole's Maternal Assisted Cesarean in Michigan Baby Baking & Kid Raising Podcast Episode 6: MACs with Lauren Brenton Australian Birth Stories Podcast: All Maternal Assisted Cesarean Episodes YouTube Video: Nottingham University Hospitals Maternity Gentle C-section CBAC Support Facebook Community  How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents Full Transcript under Episode Details  Meagan: Oh my gosh, you guys. Today is a very special day. It’s a very, very special day. We have our own team member, Paige. If you guys haven’t already seen the video floating around, go to Instagram today and watch what we’ve got posted. We have Paige, and we have Julie, and they are actually in Korea.  Now, Paige lives in Korea. Julie flew to Korea to be the photographer for Paige. I was over here in Utah having FOMO as they were Marco Poloing me when she was in labor. You guys, I am so excited. I can’t explain to you the love that I have for Paige. She has been on our team for so many years. I’m getting emotional. I have seen this woman transform into the most amazing, strong individual. She has created something so special for her family, and I think, for Korea.  This is our first official Maternal Assisted Cesarean story on the podcast. Seriously, my eyes are all watery. I just cannot wait to hear this story. Julie was just saying how she’s been dying wanting to call me this week while she has been in Korea, but she didn’t want to share her story because it is Paige’s story, but I love that I get to have both of them on the show.  So hello, you guys. I’m sorry. I just am rambling.  Paige: Hi.  Meagan: Oh my gosh. Okay. We have Paige. We have Julie. You guys know who they are. Julie, obviously, has been with The VBAC Link for a long time, and so has Paige. Julie: Been with The VBAC Link for a long time? Yeah. Meagan: Yeah, sorry. You created it.  Julie: We created it.  Meagan: Yeah, sorry. I’m thinking of Paige. Paige has been with The VBAC Link for a long time. If you didn’t know, she actually heads the CBAC group, the CBAC Link Community on Facebook, and she transcribes all of these incredible episodes. So thank you, Paige, and welcome everybody. Paige: Thank you. So yeah, I’m just sitting here in my little corner of The VBAC Link team doing my transcribing which I feel like maybe is just a little drop in the birth world bucket until something more happens for me. I’ve been with The VBAC Link for the last 4 years, and I feel like it’s my way of preserving these stories. Spending time with the women on the podcast is such an honor, and it’s just one of my favorite things to do. I’ve learned so much, and truly, we’ll get into it, but I wouldn’t have had this birth experience in the same way if it were not for The VBAC Link and for being on the team.  So truly, thank you to both of you. You’ve changed my life.  All right, what’s that? Meagan: I was going to say that you’ve made our life be

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