05 Kasaundra's 2 VBAC's + The Law of the Sphincter

05 Kasaundra 的 2 VBAC + 括约肌法则

The VBAC Link



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Walk with Kasaundra through her twin's birth via cesarean; her hospital VBAC, then homebirth VBAC. Kasaundra has a personality full of light and laughter that is contagious. I dare you not to giggle at the quirkiness! Listen as she shares the story of her OBGYN barking military orders across the O.R. table. Then, learn some awesome facts about birthing your baby as she walks us through the Law of The Sphincter in a way that only Kasaundra can! You can find even more information about VBAC on our VBAC blog at www.thevbaclink.com/blog fb.me/thevbaclink for Facebook @thevbaclink on Instagram Follow and subscribe!! More VBAC information www.thevbaclink.com Please note, to get stories from all over the country and even other countries, we record using phone lines. For this reason, audio quality may vary between episodes and speakers. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-vbac-link/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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