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In the American church, there's been a growing, gaping hole between the generations. Older women often feel disconnected and irrelevant to younger women, easily intimidated by modern technology and navigating social media and it’s easy for many to feel out of touch. Many younger women feel like they’re doing just fine on their own and don’t see the need for biblical mentorship. Others find that when they do ask an older woman to mentor them, they get turned down and they wind up navigating as best they can but desperate for help from someone who’s been there and done that.
Our goal in this episode is to encourage the hearts of both older and younger women and give strategies to help you connect and share creative ways to bridge the massive gap between the generations. You can also find us on Instagram, on Facebook, or at our website at www.momtomompodcast.com. We would love to hear from you, so reach out and we will reach back to you.