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Feelings of discontent sometimes feel unavoidable in this digital age, because unlike in the previous generations when the temptation to compare only came from face-to-face interaction or the occasional hand-written note in the mail, we have the blessing and burden of peering into the lives of others all the livelong day.
Today, we want to flip the narrative. Instead of focusing on what we lack, let’s start focusing on what we offer--what makes us unique--what makes us awesome. If that phrase makes you squirm a bit, that’s understandable. We’re all so used to feeling down about ourselves that it can feel slightly uncomfortable acknowledging the good that God is working in us.
Today we welcome Dr. Kathy Koch, founder of Celebrate Kids based in Fort Worth, Texas, popular national convention speaker, and author of several great books including 8 Great Smarts: Discover and Nurture Your Child’s Intelligences.