E238: Setting Boundaries and Navigating Criticism: Managing RSD, Hypersensitivity, and Overstimulation with ADHD

E238:设定界限并应对批评:管理 RSD、过敏和 ADHD 过度刺激

Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder



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Have you ever lost it on your kids and your partner gives you some side eye along with, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?” While yes, your child is being rude, you’re mostly grumpy because your shirt is itchy and it’s hot outside. And then you beat yourself up because you think, “what IS wrong with me?” because you turned something little into a yelling fest?!? Sigh. On today's episode of "Motherhood in ADHD," we're diving headfirst into the whirlwind of dealing with hypersensitivity, overstimulation, and rejection sensitivity dysphoria. Join me as we unravel the mysteries of feeling like a walking nerve on edge and tackle the tough task of managing stress like the patient moms we truly want to be. We're breaking down the nitty-gritty of setting boundaries, learning to navigate criticism without losing our cool, and finding that sweet spot of personal growth that brings the confidence to handle it all.  So grab your latte, snag a comfy spot, and let's dive into hypersensitivity, overstimulation, and all the mama magic in between! If you’d like more support like this, tailored to what moms need, the next round of Lighthouse Group ADHD Coaching starts September 12th.  In 3 months together, we’ll get your emotional regulation tools sharpened and your daily schedule sorted, so that you can connect home to what matters to you, start trusting yourself again, and build the life you want to live. Register now, as there are only a couple of spots left: patriciasung.com/lighthouse   Find links to everything mentioned in this episode & read the transcript here: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast/episode-238-setting-boundaries-navigating-criticism-rsd-hypersensitivity-overstimulation-adhd I’ve got a podcast for you to check out! I’m honored to partner with Understood.org’s podcast, In It: Raising Kids who Learn Differently this month. In each episode, you’ll hear from people sharing their own stories and perspectives on how to navigate and support those who have challenges with reading, math, ADHD, or dyslexia, and more. Listen today for support on how to better support yourself and your child.

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