Ep. 5 | Making Sense of Those Frustrating On and Off Days

EP。 5 | 理解那些令人沮丧的断断续续的日子

Brain First Parenting with Eileen Devine



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SUMMARY - In this episode, Eileen dives into a common characteristic in children and teens with brain-based differences and challenging behavioral symptoms, which is 'on 'and 'off' days. Eileen begins helping parents identify this common lagging skill in their kids, and how they can begin to accommodate their child or teen as it relates to on and off days. TAKEAWAYS The definition of 'on' and 'off' days as it related to cognitive skills.How on and off days are linked to a brain that functions differently.What this lagging skill looks like behaviorally.What factors can lead to a child or teen living with a brain-based difference to have off days.How not recognizing off days can lead to burnout for the parent.How parents can work to see on and off days as a "brain thing" and how they can respond to off days in ways that result in skills growth and increased connection. ======================= If you appreciated this episode, and would like to receive a weekly note from Eileen about the Brain First Parenting journey every Monday, you can subscribe to her free newsletter HERE! You can also check out all the FREE resources Eileen offers for parents, and learn more about all things Brain First at her website: eileendevine.com And of course, find and follow Eileen on social media: Facebook Instagram Pinterest

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