Episode 173: Teenagers and Religion - Church, Synagogue, Mosque or Temple

第 173 集:青少年与宗教 - 教堂、犹太教堂、清真寺或寺庙

Feeding The Mouth That Bites You: Parenting Teens Into Adulthood



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Today we revisit the issue of passing on your own religious priorities to your teenagers. Since the pandemic, attendance at religious services is down significantly among Americans of all faiths. Among Christians, a significant percentage believe that watching church online is equal to church attendance. This drop in regular church or synagogue participation brings a unique challenge to parents who want to influence the faith of their adolescent children. Additionally, we talk about whether parents should require teenagers to attend activities designed for youth when they'd rather just go to service with their parents, what if they tell you they don't even believe in God? We cover these and other aspects of teenagers and faith. Got questions or feedback? We want to hear from you! podcast@feedingthemouth.com Get the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Feeding-Mouth-That-Bites-You/dp/1514762374/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1667269257&sr=8-1 Music provided by the great John David Kent! - https://www.johndavidkent.com/

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