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Hello everyone.
I'm Stephen west.
This is philosophize this.
Thank you to everyone who supports the show on Patreon.
Patreon.com philosophizethis.
for everything else, I hope you love the show today.
So today were going to be exploring the question of whether or not free will is an illusion.
And if youre coming to the podcast.
Here today with some reservations about the subject matter, you know, maybe it seems overly abstract, maybe it seems a bit too self indulgent.
Maybe your long lost father, who you hadn't seen in 30 years, met up with you at a KFC taco bell and rambled to you about free will for 30 minutes.
And maybe it seemed much more interesting.
To him than it ever seemed to you.
If that's the kind of stuff you're coming to the podcast with, well then I hope by the end of the episode I can offer you a slightly different association on all that.
Let's make some new memories together.
Because just like we talked about with.
The nature of consciousness on episode one of this series, this relationship between free will and determinism, I mean, I get it on one level, right?
It can definitely seem like one of these overly philosophical things to be spending your time worrying about.
But in reality, if we're just being honest, I think this topic actually affects everybody around us on a level that's pretty easy to overlook if you're not paying attention.
Whether or not you are truly making free decisions when you think you are, that affects the rich person just as much as it does the poor person.