Before we get going this week, I.
Want to bring you a very special announcement.
A very special announcement.
When I first set out to make.
Revolutions way back in 2013, I expected.
To cover a bunch of different revolutions that would take us deep into the 20th century.
You know this.
The original list had things like Ireland and Cuba, Algeria, Iran.
But by the time I got to.
The Russian Revolution, it had been nine years and I felt like I was out of gas.
Even though by the measure of the original scope of the show, I was only like half done with the project, even though I felt like I was done done.
But having stepped away for a few years and refreshed my batteries, I then sat down and started composing the Martian Revolution series as a fun, creative project for our collective enjoyment.
But it's been gnawing at me more and more that this isn't actually the way to go out, that the Revolutions podcast is a job that is unfinished.
And all these revolutions that everyone's been begging me to cover, that I intended to cover in the first place, Ireland and Cuba, Alger, Iran and the rest still need to be covered.
And so my personal Saturnalia present to all of you out there is to announce that the Martian Revolution will not in fact, be the end of the Revolution's podcast, but merely its intermission.
When the Martian Revolution runs its course.
I'm going to fire back up the Haydn theme music again and we will return to the ashes of World War I to pick up the revolutionary threads that we set down in Moscow Petrograd.
So I hope you enjoy the rest of the Martian Revolution, and I hope you enjoy what comes next.
And until then, you can go to cottonbureau.com mikeduncan to pick up some cool merch, or you can go to patreon.com revolutions to support me and the podcast now and in the future.