What is 'super sweet' corn?


The Food Chain



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Have you heard of ‘super sweet’ sweetcorn? If you’ve purchased fresh, frozen or tinned sweetcorn in the last few decades there’s a good chance its the super sweet variety. It’s an example of how our fruit and vegetables have been bred over time to make them sweeter, or less bitter. Its partly about appealing to consumer tastes, but can have other advantages such as better storage and reducing food waste. In this programme Ruth Alexander finds out how and why the taste of our fresh produce is changing, and asks if we’re gaining sweetness, what are we losing? Ruth visits Barfoots farm on the south coast of England, the biggest supplier of fresh sweetcorn in the UK, all of it super sweet varieties. Plant breeder Dr Michael Mazourek at Cornell University in the United States explains how selective breeding works, and what sort of characteristics have been prioritised by the food industry. Dr Sarah Frith, vet at Melbourne Zoo in Australia explains why they’ve stopped giving fruit to the animals. And Dr Gabriella Morini, chemist at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy explains the latest research on bitter flavours, and why they might be good for us. If you’d like to contact the programme email thefoodchain@bbc.co.uk Presented by Ruth Alexander. Produced by Beatrice Pickup. (Image: corn on the cob in the husk, with a background image of a field of sweetcorn plants. Credit: BBC)

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  • I'm Rory Stewart, and I want to talk about ignorance.

  • I will die without having read everything that was written in classical Latin, because.

  • Ignorance isn't simply the opposite of knowledge, it's part of what it means to be human.

  • Just about every game I can think of involves ignorance.

  • There's no adventure without ignorance.

  • There's no narrative.

  • The long history of ignorance, from Confucius to QAnon.

  • With me, Rory Stewart.

  • Listen on BBC sounds.

  • Here we go.

  • Super sweet sweetcorn.

  • And next to it, a bag by another brand of supersweet Sweetcorn.

  • And look here, garden peas.

  • And super sweet sweetcorn.

  • Over the last few years, I've been searching high and low in supermarket freezer isles for sweet corn, just regular sweet corn like I ate as a child.

  • But all I ever seem to find is this super sweet corn.

  • So what is it?

  • And whatever happened to standard sweet corn?

  • This is the food chain from the BBC World Service, and I'm Ruth Alexander.

  • This week, finding out how and why Sweetcorn got so much sweeter, and how this super sweet corn cornered the market.