Stand Clear of the Closing Doors

This American Life



1 小时 15 分钟

单集简介 ...

In the last year and a half, New York City has scrambled to try and provide shelter and services to over 150,000 migrants. We take a look at how that’s going. Prologue: In the middle of the night, host Ira Glass meets a woman on a mission at Port Authority bus station. (13 minutes) No Sleep ‘Till Brooklyn: Producer Valerie Kipnis follows a group of people who’ve just arrived at their new home, a tent shelter in the middle of nowhere. (11 minutes) Reporting help from Jika Gonzalez. 150 Days of Bummer: Producer Diane Wu talks to an asylum seeker trying to hustle his way through bureaucratic limbo. (11 minutes) Lullaby of Broadway: Host Ira Glass meets some of the city’s newest arrivals in every New Yorker’s least favorite place. (9 minutes) The New Kids: Three girls, whose families traveled thousands of miles to get to New York, navigate their latest challenge: American middle school. (11 minutes) Harlem Shuffle (podcast only): One woman needs to find shelter for 27 young men in a matter of hours. (15 minutes)

单集文稿 ...

  • A quick warning.

  • There are curse words that are unbeeped in today's episode of the show.

  • If you prefer a beeped version, you can find that at our website, New York City, the Port Authority bus Terminal.

  • A very cold night a few weeks ago.

  • Yeah.

  • Explain what time it is, where we are, what we're doing.

  • It is 11:14pm and we are waiting for a Texas bus.

  • Texas bus with who in his side?

  • So we don't know the number yet, but we have asylum seekers that are there that just come from the border.

  • This is one of the buses that Governor Greg Abbott sent to New York City starting in the summer of last year.

  • You've probably heard about this.

  • Hoping to make a point about what Texas is dealing with, he sent migrants on buses to cities run by Democrats.

  • Washington, D.C.

  • los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver and New York.

  • Over 27,000 people have arrived at this spot.

  • This way.

  • Where many of them have been greeted by a 5 foot 2 black woman named Adama Baugh.

  • How many nights a week do you do this?

  • I don't keep counting anymore.

  • But what's the most it gets like?