Father's Day

This American Life



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单集简介 ...

Ira's own father, Barry Glass, co-hosts this special Father's Day show. Prologue: Ira talks with his father and co-host for this show, Barry Glass, about his own early days working in radio. (3 minutes) How the World Sees Your Father: LA writer/performer Sandra Tsing Loh discovers that a local rock band has recorded a song about her own father, wildly misinterpreting who he is. They think he’s a free spirit; she believes he’s a worried, miserly grump. She invites the band and her father into the studio to discuss it. (10 minutes) And If That Diamond Ring Don’t Shine: Ian Brown explains the lengths a normal dad will go to give his daughter a memorable birthday party, including a birthday stunt so crass that he and his wife shocked all of their friends. (12 minutes)  Ian is the author of The Boy in the Moon: A Father’s Journey to Understand his Extraordinary Son, and Sixty: A Diary: My Year of Aging Semi-Gracefully. The Moment Dad Left: Audio artist Jay Allison and writer Dan Robb present an audio montage on the moment Robb’s parents divorced. (11 minutes) Reconciling With Dad: Chicago playwright Beau O’Reilly talks about how he reconciled with his estranged father years ago by becoming an alcoholic just like him. (14 minutes)

单集文稿 ...

  • Dad.

  • And what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through this thing, and they'll be stopping and starting.

  • Hello?

  • Yeah, I'm here.

  • Okay.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • They'll be stopping and starting.

  • And if.

  • Basically, if you feel like saying anything you want over the course of this, it'll be better if you just jump in and say it.

  • Okay.

  • For Father's Day this year, it seemed fun to rerun this episode from the earliest days of our radio show.

  • This is an episode that I co hosted with my dad.

  • And this was made so long ago that my father, in this recording, he's the same age that I am right now in 2023, as I'm saying these words to you.

  • Okay?

  • So, dad, so you have the script.

  • I have the script.

  • And have you been practicing like crazy?

  • Can I hear just a little sample of you reading something?

  • Sure.