Hey, MOTH listeners, it's Leanne.
You're about to hear a great story, and the reason why is because of the direct support of listeners like you.
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Thanks for listening.
This is the Moth Radio Hour from PRX.
I'm Sarah Austin.
This is our annual December holiday episode.
We have stories of feasts, traditions, celebrating, not celebrating, and connecting with family and friends and just wanting to be alone.
Six stories that explore the mixed emotions that come with this last month in the year.
Our first storyteller is Moth veteran Peter Aguero.
Peter calls this story Me and Mama versus Christmas.
Lots of people go overboard at Christmas.
It's a time of excess.
The decorations and the gifts and the food.
But what if money is tight?
Peter told this story at a Moth night we produced in partnership with West Virginia Public Radio.