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This is the global News podcast from the BBC World Service.
I'm Jackie Leonard and in the early hours of Thursday 19th December, these are our main stories.
Syria's new de facto leader has told the BBC
that the country is exhausted by war and poses no threat to Western countries or its neighbors.
An out of control Indian navy vessel has collided with a passenger ferry off the coast of Mumbai,
killing at least 13 people.
And police in Liberia are investigating a fire that has destroyed much of the country's parliament.
Also in this podcast, what's believed to be the earliest recording of a country.
Song records of this type.
These are unicorns.
They're reputed to exist, but they've never been seen.
The de facto leader of Syria, Ahmed Al Sharar,
says his country is exhausted by war and is not a threat to its neighbours or the West.