How to Manage: Rising from Middle to Senior Management


Women at Work



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Is mid-level management a stone you’re ready to step off of? Making that move is difficult but doable, and Amy B and her three guests will direct, inspire, and reassure you. An executive coach validates the challenges of scoring a position that’s scarce. Then, two COOs whose careers stagnated in mid-level management before accelerating again, recount the conversations, decisions, and networking that jump-started them.

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  • Download the CFO's guide to AI and machine learning for free at womenatwork.

  • You're listening to Women at Work from Harvard Business Review.

  • I'm Amy Bernstein.

  • No matter how ambitious and talented you are, rising up and out of mid level management can be slow going for reasons beyond your control.

  • Like when the person who's in the higher level position you want has been there forever and might stay there forever.

  • Or when the company doesn't have a business need or the budget to upgrade your job title and salary from senior to executive.

  • When you're ready to take on more, and especially when you've been waiting and trying for what seems like a very long time, the prospect of remaining stuck in the middle indefinitely is suffocating.

  • My three guests have been there, they've gotten themselves out of there, and now they're here to direct, inspire and reassure you.

  • Two of them are COOs Megan Bach and Lauren Reyes.

  • Megan rose up through the insurance industry and switched to tech a few years ago.

  • I think in early days I perhaps wasn't as effective at articulating that I wanted to do more.

  • As more time passed, I got more explicit.

  • Lauren rose up the ranks at the ymca.

  • I joke with my mom all the time that I feel like I've been not qualified for every job that I've applied for and gotten.

  • And in actuality, you know, like I was qualified, I had what it took.

  • But there's always that self doubt.

  • Before becoming executives, their careers had stalled, but they managed to find ways to accelerate them again.

  • I had no idea prior to walking into that meeting that I was going to say those things.

  • When you apply to another organization, they see you for who you are today and the potential of what you're willing to sign up for and do.