507. Anti-Semitism and the Fall of Trudeau's Canada | Terry Glavin

507.反犹太主义与特鲁多领导的加拿大的垮台| 特里·格拉文

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast



1 小时 31 分钟

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Jordan Peterson sits down with journalist and author Terry Glavin. They discuss the ongoing circus of Justin Trudeau’s government and the shocking rise of anti-Semitism across Canada. Terry Glavin is a journalist, author of seven books & co-author of three. Assignments in recent years have taken Glavin to Afghanistan, Israel, the Russian Far East, the Eastern Himalayas, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Geneva, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Central America. His books have been published in Canada, Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. More than a dozen literary & journalism awards. This episode was filmed on December 17th, 2024. | Links | For Terry Glavin Substack https://therealstory.substack.com/ In the National Post https://nationalpost.com/author/tglavinnp/ "Justin Trudeau went all in on China a decade ago — and nothing can shake his resolve." https://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-4 "Year of the Graves" https://nationalpost.com/opinion/the-year-of-the-graves-how-the-worlds-media-got-it-wrong-on-residential-school-graves Books of relevance: “Come from the Shadows: The Long and Lonely Struggle for Peace in Afghanistan” https://www.amazon.com/s?k=glavin+come+from+the+shadows&i=stripbooks&crid=FQ8JTAN4X6NQ&sprefix=glavin+come+from+the+shadows%2Cstripbooks%2C150&ref=nb_sb_noss “The Lost and Left Behind: Stories from the Age of Extinctions” https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Left-Behind-Stories-Extinctions/dp/0863566065 “Amongst God's Own: The Enduring Legacy of St. Mary's Mission” https://www.amazon.ca/Amongst-Gods-Own-Enduring-Mission/dp/0968604617

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